Bethlehem is going to need a CAPed crusader

Latest in a series on Bethlehem’s Climate Action Plan

City of Bethlehem
Climate Action Plan 2021
launched April 12, 2021

“The keystone to implementation [of the Climate Action Plan] is creating a Bethlehem Office of Sustainability and associated city Sustainability Director to guide the roll-out of the CAP.”

ref: Let’s hear it for the Climate Action Plan!
ref: The Climate Action Plan by the (impressive) numbers

Sequesterd and sedentary Gadfly’s been spending his Earth Day morning so far reading our newly launched Climate Action Plan.

See the link above. The CAP is huge.

It’s like the Bible.

Everybody will find something in it.

No, it’s not like the Bible, it is a bible.

And the City will be reading from it for years to come.

Gadfly spent a good deal of his “teaching” career administering.

He loves organizing and planning. He used to say that he found planning aphrodisiac.

So his mind went right to a question like “who the hell is going to run all this?”

Riddle me that.

Gadfly sees why CAP guru Councilman Reynolds sees one of the first key structural steps is the creation of an Office of Sustainability with a Director of Sustainability (p. 204).

It may be that there will be a kind of shadow government running City Hall!

So be prepared for a request for a Director of Sustainability position in the 2022 budget.

In the meantime, responsibility for certain activities will be delegated to city departments.

Such a position seems absolutely necessary.

Gadfly will return to highlight some aspects of the CAP that drew his attention this morning.

How are you spending your Earth Day?

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