Maintaining the Southside as a good place to live, work, eat, and play

Latest in a series of posts on the Southside

Community Action Development Corporation of Bethlehem

“What’s your vision for the Southside?”

ref: Southside Vision
ref: “What challenges are we currently facing on the Southside?”
ref: “What are the ways we can improve the Southside in the next year?”

Here Gadfly finishes up with his coverage of the CADCB February 18 discussion of the future of the Southside as part of their preparation for their latest Southside Vision Plan.

After the small-group breakout sessions, the 40 or so attendees gathered for a plenary session, and each group did a quick recap of their individual discussions.

This sharing session contains several dozen interesting ideas, and certainly provided CADCB some important things to think about.

Gadfly encourages you to take advantage of this opportunity to feel the pulse of the people.

The meeting ended with a description of these 5 CADCB committees and an invitation, an exhortation to get involved and to help continue the the important work of making the Southside an even better place, as one attendee put it, to live, work, eat, and play. Contact Yari Colon-Lopez at

Well done CADCB!

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