Chewing on SBHS concerns (1)

(the latest in a series of posts on Neighborhoods)

1 : to call upon in supplication : beseech
2 : to call or pray for earnestly : entreat
  • The many construction projects along 3rd street, the expansion of Lehigh University, the closing of many churches, the closings and changes to streets, as well as the demolition of many historic homes, businesses and neighborhoods, is changing the historic character of the Southside.
  • We write to implore you to consider the economic impacts progress has on the residents of South Bethlehem and the changes to the character of the neighborhoods, which are still as vibrant and diverse as they were when many of our parents, grandparents and great grandparents made their homes here.
  • A developer once said at a council meeting “. . . in ten years you will not recognize South Bethlehem . . .”
  • We ask you honorable Mayor and City and Council members, to consider the history that is being destroyed in the name of progress.
  • Ask yourselves about the history of the architecture that is being demolished and if the new plans reflect the importance and beauty of what South Bethlehem was and continues to be.

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