Answer for Mr. Lopez (69)

(69th in a series on Martin Tower)

See post #68 in this series

From a good source:

There are 2 air quality (“dust”) reports from Martin Tower, per Bob Novatnack.

1) Air quality report paid for by developers Wagner/Ronca et al, done by a private firm and to be finalized and released to Bob Novatnack this week. As soon as he receives it, he will make it public.

2) Air quality report from PA State Department of Environmental Protection, which they will release only through a Right-to-Know request. Not sure when that one would be finished and RTK-able.

4 thoughts on “Answer for Mr. Lopez (69)

  1. I guess they are just hoping people will forget about it. 10 years from now when people start kicking the bucket I hope someone will remember.

  2. Tomorrow is one month since the implosion. Can you provide any links for the air and water quality reports for public information?

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