Looking at BPA numbers (2)

(94th in a series of posts on parking)

Gadfly jumped ahead of himself last time and headed right in to the meter v. fine situation that will probably need to be decided in the next meeting or two.

Hold on, Big Fella!

Sit back for a moment and look at bigger picture.

He’s always wondered what the BPA budget looks like.

How  about you?

Ever wondered what all those coins going in to meters add up to.

It’s rather astounding when you see it on the cold statistical sheet.

Look at “meters” at line 30 under Revenues: https://thebethlehemgadfly.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/bpa-presentation-7-2-19-city-council-draft.pdf

In 2018 our coin and credit cards produced $1,976,547 at curbside.

And $2,268,925 is projected for 2019.

Crazy to think about that much as you plunk your quarters in, no?

And that’s $292,378 more annually from the increase in meter rates that went into effect January 1.

And have you ever wondered if the BPA is lining its pockets with our coins?

Look at the revenue/expense bottom line.

In 2019 a projected $6,688,263 in revenue minus $4,948,279/1,589,000 in outgo renders a bottom line of only $150,984 in the petty cash jar (lines 34, 38, 39, 45, 46).

(Now, of course, one would have to look more closely at the minus items to make sure they are legit to make sure the BPA truly wasn’t lining its pockets!)

The 2019 budget 2019 BPA Budget FINAL (page 7) has slightly different numbers, and the bottom line there is a residue of $122,981.

But either way — $150,984 or $122,981 — the cold statements would seem to show that BPA is playing it fairly close to the vest (ugh, English profs are supposed to avoid cliches) in a budget in which revenues are edging toward $7m/yr. .

Now, one other thing Gadfly was looking for was how much Desman and those kinds of consultants get paid.

Whew! Bit of a choker!

$255,219 in 2018.

$198,459 projected in 2019.

(BPA Presentation – 7-2-19 – City Council – DRAFT Page 4: why are those numbers in blue?)

The 2019 BPA Budget FINAL page 9 has different numbers for 2018, same for 2019.

Interesting, no?

What are you seeing?

What are you thinking?

One thought on “Looking at BPA numbers (2)

  1. I’m thinking that it’s a pretty steady and profitable gig for Desman. I’m also thinking that the meter rates didn’t need to be raised and the fines should be increased more than proposed.

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