“I want to know about the compost center” (24)

(24th in a series on Martin Tower)

Martin Tower demolition May 19

Local citizen of West Bethlehem, Sarah Andrew.


I do not know the better way to get comments to you — email you or comment on the blog post? Anyway, I want to know about the compost center. A worker there told me his boss said they are working that day, which seems crazy.

Also I get all of my mulch and compost from there, but won’t it be (even more) toxic afterwards and possibly not safe for us to use to grow food? Or touch?

I’m now convinced it’s not best practice to take my small children to watch from Nitschmann.


Gadfly reminds followers that email links to the Mayor and City Council are on the sidebar for easy access.

2 thoughts on ““I want to know about the compost center” (24)

  1. Oh, ya! This is going to happen, despite potential health issues, hell, or high water. I will make certain that my family is out of town, although short of moving, we are going to have to deal with the residual issues. Too bad, Bethlehem is, otherwise, such a nice place to live.

  2. This and so many other questions have been left ignored or unanswered since I began searching for satisfactory preparation answers myself. I was told I had good questions but that I was ahead of the curve. Please. Our local authorities really were not educated about all of this, and definitely not enough to protect us.
    Didn’t know about this blog til today. I’ve called everywhere, from EPA, DEP, implosion consultant, City Hall, Dept of Health (who said I was the first call they’d received). It’s been suggested that all will be well and to think of the particulate dust as if it were pollen; to just to keep my doors and windows shut. Are they kidding? My office building and property are literally at Ground Zero: A mere 680 feet from the front door of Martin tower, with nothing between me and it. This is not biodegradable pollen, this is inorganic waste and will be runoff on everything and be in the water, air and underfoot. I plan to be at every possible meeting to gather information until I am satisfied that I, my staff and patients are safe both now and in the future. I plan to be at every possible be meeting to gather information Until I am satisfied. This is not just about May 19 this is about the air quality every day after that. The water, the air, the vegetation, the children. Our lungs! I don’t want to commemorative T-shirt; I want to know that I’m going to breathe healthy after the implosion, that my business will not suffer with concerned patients avoiding the demolition area. That the air quality in my building will not suffer and be contaminated. I’ve been searching for these answers for weeks. And now finally, 10 days before the implosion we’re getting a public meeting. I’m sorry but that’s very late in the game for our community businesses and families to prepare aptly for an event of this magnitude, no matter what their advanced experience is in the field of demolition. We can’t rollover as a 21 story building to be pulverized and breathe the next day as if all is well. How do we take this all in stride? There’s nothing in the close radius that won’t be coated with Tower particulate. We need answers and assurances and we’re gonna wish we had them weeks ago. Lord knows I tried.

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